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Teeth braces : Why do people visit dentists – Cavities? Pain? To replace the missing teeth, teeth gap? To straighten crooked teeth? But, at the orthodontist’s clinic, patients turn up for various malalignment problems. While a large number of people have crowded and crooked teeth, others wish to get their deep bites, overbites and for closing the gaps between teeth.


Yes, having spaces between teeth can be a major issue for many people on the planet. Not only do they give a bad appearance but also reduce the efficiency of chewing. But, spaces between teeth need not be your fate for the rest of your life. Spaces between teeth are easily treatable using orthodontic procedures.

Spacing Between Teeth How to Correct It


What causes spaces between teeth?

Many people are unaware of what causes spaces between their teeth. Just like crowding of teeth occurs due to a mismatch between the teeth size and jaw size, the same reasons can lead to spaces between teeth. The reason for spaces between your teeth can range from genetic, hereditary and even functional causes. Some common causes of spaces between teeth include:

  • The small size of teeth
  • The large size of the jaws
  • A combination of small teeth and large jaws
  • One or more undersized teeth while other teeth are of normal size
  • One or more missing teeth
  • A thick labial frenum( a muscular tissue that connects your upper lip to the gums between your upper two front teeth)
  • Childhood habits like thumb sucking and tongue thrusting
  • Improperly developed swallowing reflex
  • Loss of one or more teeth due to tooth decay or gum and bone diseases

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Diastema- Midline Spaces between Teeth

Not all spaces between teeth are the same. There is a particular type of space between teeth that is of particular interest to both patients as well as their orthodontists. This space occurs in about 16.9% of people in the world and is called the midline diastema.

Spacing Between Teeth


A midline diastema is a space that is found between the upper two front teeth due to a thick, muscular band of tissue that connects your upper lip the gum between your upper two front teeth. When the upper lip moves while talking, eating and other facial expressions, it exerts a force on the gums and the teeth causing them to move apart, revealing an ugly gap.


Most people who report to their orthodontist’s clinic for spacing do so for this midline diastema that is unaesthetic and makes them extremely conscious about their smile.


What if Gaps between Teeth are not Corrected?

Apart from aesthetic reasons, there is not much motivation for people to get the gaps between their teeth treated. However, just like any other malocclusion, even gaps or spaces between teeth need to be corrected to restore functionality and health of the teeth, gums and other structures in the oral cavity. Some complications that arise when gaps or spacing between teeth is left untreated are:

  • Food lodgement
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum problems
  • Tilting of teeth
  • Teeth move into other positions within the available space causing more malalignment problems
  • Poor aesthetics
  • Makes people conscious of their smile and affects their mental health

How to Fix Gaps in Teeth Without Getting Braces


How Can Spaces Between Teeth be Corrected?

Gaps between teeth are routinely performed treatments at the orthodontists’ clinic. Some common options to treat gaps between teeth include:

  • Using Dental Composite Filling Materials

Sometimes, a gap exists between teeth two or three teeth and is less than 2mm in width. These kinds of gaps are predisposed to food lodgement and so is a point of concern for the patient. These can be easily filled using tooth coloured dental materials like composites.


  • Veneers

This treatment option falls under cosmetic dental procedure wherein the teeth adjacent to the gaps are shaped and ceramic/porcelain veneers are designed and fixed on these shaped teeth in a way that they close the existing gap. These are faster than orthodontic space closure treatments but require an irretrievable sacrifice of tooth structure.


  • Retainers

These fall under orthodontics and are removable options to close spaces between teeth. A Hawley’s retainer is commonly used to close minor gaps between teeth.


  • Braces

Different types of braces have been the mainstream orthodontic treatment option for closing gaps between teeth in patients. All the common types of braces can be used and the space closure treatments usually take lesser time to correct as compared to crowding cases.


  • Clear Aligners

With the entry of clear aligners or invisible braces into the market, they are the most sought after and recommended treatment options for those individuals looking to close the gaps between their teeth. Clear aligners are the most comfortable orthodontic option and the treatment time is relatively lesser than other treatment options available. If you wish to get your spaces closed with clear aligners, 32 Watts aligners must be your choice!


  • Lingual Braces

Lingual braces can be used to close spaces between teeth. However, compared to clear aligners, they are not a popular choice!

Spacing Between Teeth How to Correct It


If you or someone you know have gaps or spaces between their teeth, book your consultation with us or any orthodontist using 32 Watts clears aligners right away! Have any queries? Comment in the section below!




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